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Goodnight Kiss

May 24, 2013

There is an old song by Steve and Annie Chapman called “Goodnight Kiss.” Some of the lyrics include:

“I count it as a privilege
I count it cause for praise
to kiss my children goodnight
at the close of everyday
for I know too soon they’re off and gone
and walkin’ out the door
and I’ll never have a child to kiss
goodnight anymore

tell the story read a book
wipe a nose or tie a shoe
they never ask me to rub their back
the way they used to do
once it was a bother
just a troublesome kind of chore
now I would give anything
to do it just once more”

When each of my babies was born, I heard over and over, “Savor each moment. They grow so fast.”

I’ve even said it to a few new mommies. It’s true. They do grow so quickly. And when they are young, you spend so much time with them, it’s difficult to imagine a life without little ones. You are making dinners, kissing hurts away, answering questions… the list of parenting duties is endless.

Emilie (6), Hayden (1), Taylor (5)

Emilie (6), Hayden (1), Taylor (5)

I remember being called to my son’s bedside at 2 in the morning when his little legs were cramping. I rescued my oldest (more than once) when she climbed something and couldn’t get down. My youngest hid… everywhere… Code Adam was used at WalMart…

As the kids grow up, they still need us as parents. They do not need us in the same way. We won’t be kissing a boo boo or reading a book at night. We will be having a date night and going on special shopping trips.

All these are precious stories to my husband and me now. Then, it was just doing the “parenting thing.”

There are lots of fun memory-making times, too. We purposefully made plans to do activities together. Granted, many had to be done together because of their ages and abilities. It was time spent together, though, and I treasure it now.

At present, we all tend to be going in different directions. School, work, dance and band practice (that’s just the kids!) expend most of the minutes we have in each day. It’s difficult to work in times of planned family activities. Having dinner together at the table is hard enough!

Taylor (17), Emilie (19), Hayden (13)

Taylor (17), Emilie (19), Hayden (13)

The point to be made, though, is that it is still important. As the kids grow up, they still need us as parents. They do not need us in the same way. We won’t be kissing a boo boo or reading a book at night. We will be having a date night and going on special shopping trips.

So remember, your kids are growing up fast. Make an effort to connect with them, whatever age they are. Keep making memories for yourself and them.

“Savor each moment. They grow so fast.”

Too soon, they will be out of your nest and building their own.

I think I’ll go hug someone special now.

5 Comments leave one →
  1. May 24, 2013 3:21 pm

    Good advice – never hurts to hear it and keep it in mind. It is easy to rush the time away.

  2. Shelley W. permalink
    June 14, 2013 8:50 am

    Truer words were never spoken! I found a quote the other day that I keep repeating when my 2 year old has driven me mad….”The days are long, but the years are short”. Part of being a parent is teaching your birdies to fly, but it’s important to savor the moments they are in the nest. Love you, Marla!!

    • Marla permalink*
      June 14, 2013 9:07 am

      Thanks Shelley! You are so right. We all need a reminder, don’t we? Love you too!

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